Over three decades ago, God’s servant Revd. Dr. Akinkuolie Olusola upon accepting Jesus had the passion for the kingdom of God weigh heavily on his heart. At the time, he was a seasoned and astute managerial and administrative practitioner, and for years worked in the public and finance sectors. However, during this period, God was working in him both to will and do of his own pleasure as the burden in his heart caused him to tender his resignation, opting for fulltime ministry at the church he identified with at the time. This was as a result of a knowledge of the call of God into a special capacity in nurturing the saints to the measure and the stature of the fullness of Christ. Working diligently and purposefully where he was, caused a deeper understanding by revelation with clarity, God’s definite purpose. The Spirit of God through the scriptures as stated in Luke 4:18 gave him a knowing as to what his specific assignment in fulfilling the great commission would be.
Revd. Dr. Akinkuolie Olusola knew the importance of building and developing capacity for the work wherein he’s been called. This prompted him to enroll in the reputable Faith Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ota, Ogun State for training where he earned a doctorate in Theology. Having prayed earnestly, the Lord gave his word to begin with his family. Other families having same belief and faith in God later joined, just as his word speaks of the early church concerning ‘communing from house to house’ in Acts 2:4. The church; Christ’s Overflowing Anointing Church was birthed with power on the 20th of March, 2004, and since then till now, the expression of his power and glory has ceaselessly been evident to his glory. His word accompanied with power has wrought diverse deliverances and miracles with testimonies following and great has been his doings and acts.
To him be all the glory forever!
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