Encounter with Destiny Text: Luke 5:1-11

Sunday Service   4th December, 2022 

 Minister: Pastor Femi Oguntuase

 Message Excerpt 

The miracle in our text had a major implication which was to cause a change in the orientation of Peter and the trajectory of his life; which would in turn, affect the other disciples who embarked on the expedition with him. The miracle of having fish beyond needed was to cause a turnaround in his focus. What you focus on determines your destiny; as your focus will definitely impact on your decisions which will ultimately determine your destiny. Your focus must be on the position in which you have been placed. Your place in destiny; is to show forth His praise; and this is what brings fulfillment. Isaiah 43:21; 1 Peter 2:9. The life you live is not yours but God’s. As a believer, you have been bought over with a price 1 Corinthians 6:20. According to Paul by the Spirit of God, in 2 Corinthians 5:15; you are His and your life is His to be lived. This life you have is for one major purpose, which is to know Christ and make Him known. Paul in 1Timothy 4:7; speaks boldly of a life of fulfillment that he had lived. He had an encounter with God in Acts 9:3-10 and had his life redirected to fulfilling God’s own purpose. God showed Paul what life’s priority must be. In our text, Peter was made to understand heaven’s expectation. Man’s priority often times isn’t heaven’s. Man by default, without the indwelling spirit, prioritizes life’s need and wants above (and often times to the complete neglect of) God’s desire. Many seek God for miracles and neglect Him, the giver. God’s miracles are an expression of His goodness with which He draws man to Himself. A believer must in all his decisions consider God’s own perspective as opposed to fixing his gaze on logical deductions and reasoning. There will always be a way that seems right; Proverbs 14:12. Not all good choices are God ordained choices. Your destiny is not yours to create but discover as preordained by your creator. It is in Him you live, move and have your being. Acts 17:28. It is not in a man to direct his own steps; Jeremiah 10:23. Now in Christ, you live for the one who died and rose for you. 2 Corinthians 5:15. We as believers must be representatives and a pattern of a godly life. 2 Corinthians 3:2; Matthew 7:16,20. God used Peter’s need and past failure as a means to open up destiny unto him. The miracle in your life is a testament to His need of your attention being shifted to that which is of priority. 


 1. O Lord; cause a miracle in my life that will speak of your Lordship!

 2. O God, every force of darkness against my divine encounter be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 

3. O God, grace and power for a new beginning be released upon my life.