Have a Word and Hold onto It ( Part 3)          7th November 2021


By Revd Dr. Olusola Akinkuolie   

Message Excerpt 

Our text, reveals Christ showing forth His Power as God Himself; He showed His supremacy over the elements of nature, one of which is the wind. He rebuked the wind and the sea became calm. He that is in Christ has become one with Him having the same spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:17. He is in you as a believer, and as long as He is in there, no storm is permitted to overwhelm you and overturn your course and purpose. When a man comes into Christ, he has no choice but to fulfill purpose. Your purpose is defined in 1 Peter 2:9; “to show forth His praise”. Isaiah 43:21. As soon as Jesus embarked on the ship, He spoke of a known goal and destination. ‘’Let us pass over unto the other side’’. He had a well-defined goal. You should as a believer, have a defined goal as declared in His word. Your individual and personal goals must be subsumed under this divine mandate, which is to give Him praise. Habakkuk 2:2-3 exhorts, to have a defined goal and vision. This makes a man work and walk towards the fulfillment thereof. Verse 3 speaks of waiting for the ‘speaking’ of a vision and promise. A man in Christ is set on a course with a vision and should wait for the fulfillment thereof. The fulfillment is the ‘speaking’. When the promise of God is made manifest in fulfillment, it speaks. In the word of God, is embedded - destiny. In Exodus 44:15, the children of Israel were bedeviled with fear and despair. Whilst they were plagued with fear, the word of God containing destiny came - ‘’Go Forward’’. Moses was in right standing with God and had the correct Knowledge of His Ways Psalm 103:7. He never questioned God but acted on His word. The rod of Moses was used in parting the sea. A believer today has something in the similitude of Moses’ rod which is FAITH. As the rod parted the sea by the word, so does your faith. Your faith parts into twain every turbulent situation. Your faith is your rod. A believer must in trust, have courage. Courage is not mere bravery seen in walking into hazardous terrains; real courage is trusting and holding on to the spoken word in the face of negative and opposing situations and circumstances. Going forward, regardless of oppositions. What is the Word? The word; 

  • Is a compass that assures you of a direction.
  • carries you through the storm.
  • makes your ship (your life), not sink in the sea of life.
  • makes you fire-proof, invincible, indestructible and beyond the enemy’s reach.

 The plan of the enemy, in our text was to derail Jesus’ plans through the storm. The enemy expends resources in messing up a life because God also has paid a price for that same life. The beauty of your life is what makes the enemy come after you. This is the major reason the storm comes and is always raging. The storm is to make you never attain fulfillment. The believer has been given the keys and authority and the devil knows this. He knows he can never use the keys. However, he ensures you can never get to the point where you’d exercise its use. He knows the potency of what has been given unto you and how powerful the word and authority you wield is, so he engineers deviations and distractions. Never take your eyes off the word; therein lies the words of authority. Joshua 1:8. You are on your way to something, hence you are not going through these trials for nothing. You are going THROUGH, because you are going TO. Halleluyah. Prayers  Every attack against my destiny and its fulfillment be made null and void in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, every storm against my life, is silenced!         O Lord! Cause your Glory and Grace to shine upon me.