Remember: 1 Chronicles 16 vs 12; Psalm 77 vs 11-14; Isaiah 46 vs 9-10

Sunday Service         23rd January, 2022 

Sermon: Remember 

Text: 1 Chronicles 16 vs 12; Psalm 77 vs 11-14; Isaiah 46 vs 9-10 

Minister: Rev. Dr. Sola Akinkuolie 

Message Excerpt 

The word ‘remember’ presupposes the fact that there have been happenings and events in and of the past; and this past contains dealings of God that have culminated into what the present shows. Considering the landmarks of battles won, victories assured and prayers answered, helps position a believer for what is before (to come). There is a promise for the future, and gratitude for the past opens up channels for the fulfillment of this promise. In the journey of life, three classes of persons will come along and have an impact on you: 

  • Strengtheners - make you better and push you to the fulfillment of purpose. God brings them on your path to help.
  • Drainers – drain your faith, exhaust your positivity and suppress your goodness. Be discerning and beware of drainers. Their counsels and motives are insincere and in aversion to the will and plan of God.
  • Trainers - challenge you to grow; they help harness your potentials. They push you to aim higher and achieve greater; your appetite for greatness is inspired by them.

 Remember God’s work in your life. Deuteronomy 8:1-2. We sometimes go through challenges that proves us; testing the kind of persons we are; these situations strengthen our resolve to move on with God. This year, remember God’s Presence, Peace, Protection and Provision; peace is not the absence of the storm but a calm disposition in the midst of the storm. When a situation you pray about hasn’t changed yet you are at peace, speaks of a miracle. Protection; He has assured us in Psalm 91:7-16 of His protection Jeremiah 33:3. He will be readily available to deliver. Provision; the provision of God speaks of His unmerited supply of needs. Needs met, not by our qualification but based on His limitless goodness. He can and will take care of you. He is willing and able. Never doubt His love for you; always believe He can do beyond what you desire Ephesians 3:20. As we seek His blessings in the new year, it is important to consider and examine our lives. Ask some salient questions. Are there things you need to do less of, do away with  or make adjustment on? Are there things you need to spend less time and energy on? How do you spend your time? You can gain back money lost, but not time lost. The above questions asked and thoroughly considered positions you and bestows on you an advantage for the supernatural. Are there things you need to do more of? The Study of the word and Fellowship with the brethren? Are there issues you handle wrongly and show that you desire wisdom? Then ask of Him James 1:5; 1 Corinthians 1:24; Christ is the power and the wisdom of God; receive Him and achieve all-around goodness. 


1. O Lord! Go ahead of me this year and make my paths straight. 2. O Lord make my fear be upon the heart of my enemies in the name of Jesus.