God has a Plan

Watch Night Service   31st, December, 2022  

Text: Psalm 138:7-8 

Minister: Rev. Dr. Olusola Akinkuolie 

Message Excerpt 

From creation, we see the nature of God as one who plans. He never does a thing without an intention laid out in plans. Often times He speaks of His plans before embarking on its demonstration. He declared in Isaiah 43:19; I will do a new thing and it shall spring forth. He is the one that declares the end from the beginning Isaiah 46:10. The year 2022 might have been to you a harrowing experience; but His assurance is that He will do a new thing. The ship of your life must have been bedeviled with storm in the sea of life. Be of good cheer, for as He spoke to the storm and it ceased; you can do the same in faith. A believer is born of Faith and is faith is seen in what he says, your word shows and feeds your faith. To begin powerfully in the New year, you must put the old year behind you. You must forget the challenges and calamities of the past year. Begin with forgiving yourself of your mistakes and shortcomings; this is then succeeded by forgiving the hurt of others against you. Not letting go of the past year and its event is inviting untold burden. The Spirit in you as a believer, does not convict you of a life void of obstacles but enables a conviction of a victorious life over all obstacles. Psalm 124:1-8. The enemies’ plans against you, never worked in the past year and will never work. The new year will be a year where unresolved issues will be resolved by the working of the sprit within Ephesians 3:20. The spirit in you is the spirit that was at work in the creation of the world and is the spirit that has begun a good work and would complete it in spite of the enemies plans. Jeremiah 29:11; the thought of God, concerning you is always fixed; He is faithful and sure. The issue is always with the recipient. Many have no plans nor expectation and are full of doubt. The expected end God is ready to give is the prerogative of the recipient. God does not bless in a vacuum; he blesses what you present. You must first have a vision of what your expected end is. In Ephesians 3:20, He is able to do beyond what we ask or think. In other words, you must ask and think of something. He then will do beyond what you’ve asked or thought of. You must rise up, even in the midst of thick darkness. Obey His words to arise and shine the light that has come. According to Philippians 1:6, confidence is key in your expectations and desires. You must be confident that He who has begun a good work will perform it. This was the disposition of Abraham in Romans 4:18-19; He was fully persuaded of He who had promised being able to fulfill it. You must be fully persuaded in the New Year. 


1. Every tree of non-achievement in my life of the past year, be uprooted now! 

2. Failure of the past year, you are banished from my life now! 

3. Every tooth of the ungodly against my achievement, break now! 

4. From today, I paralyze every power redrawing the map of my life.