The Power of Your Decisions II

Sunday Service  2nd October, 2022 

Text: Genesis 12:1-5, Deut. 30:19, Joshua 24:13-15 

Minister: Rev. Dr. Sola Akinkuolie 

Message Excerpt

 It is said and has been found to be true that decision determines destiny. This depicts the fact that your end is a cumulative effect and representation of decisions made. Often times, many are scared to make decisions for fear of failure. Taking this stand ultimately implies that a position of inaction has already been assumed; which is a position in itself. Decisions are less of we say, and more of what we do. In Deuteronomy 30:19, God Himself through Moses speaks of the provision of choices and admonishes that a correct decision should be made. God gave man the blessing of the power of choice; He will never impose His will and disposition on man (Genesis 6:2). However, this blessing of freedom of choice, has sadly become a curse as man often chooses evil; permitting a negative flow. Deut. 30:19; speaks of a man’s seed being a beneficiary of choices made. This unequivocally means that your choices have a definite repercussion on your offspring; whether good or bad is a function of the kind of decision made. Invariably, your children will more than likely, be a replica and symbol of your decisions. This is why parents must beware of the kind of decisions they make to avoid the transference of evil flow to their offspring.   One of the outstanding ways God deals with us is in the responsibility, obligation and opportunity to choose your eternal destiny. This implies that you are in charge of your life and destiny and you must choose where your life ends either by reason of obedience or disobedience to God’s word. The quality of your life will be a compendium of intermittent decisions made as you traverse earth’s space. The greatest decision a man will ever make is the decision to be saved. Do not push it aside. Surrender to Him today. Prayers 

1. In the name of Jesus, I am free from the negative effect of any wrong decisions made in the past. 

2. Every power supervising the effect of any wrong decisions made, lose your hold now.