Topic: Raising Godly Children

 Sunday Service (Special Children Service) 30th May, 2021  by Revd. Mrs Akinkuolie

Text: Psalm 127:3, Deuteronomy 6:5-7 

Message Excerpt 

Childhood, a stage of man’s existence is important to God the Father. It connotes in itself, the promise of a future; hence, diligence is demanded (Deut. 6:7). An infusion of the word in children is paramount. Parenting is beyond giving birth to or bringing forth a child. It involves nurturing through infancy till adulthood. The well-being of children is the hope of the society. Moral upbringing sourced in spiritual edification must be the priority of a parent. The duty of a parent is not just raising an independent and functional adult, but raising a child that will be a vessel unto God and one who wields all that is required for actual change. The failure of parenthood births decadence in the way and lives of children. Most times, this is as a result of a parent abdicating his or her primary responsibility and focusing on the rat race for sustenance that never ends. Time actually never waits nor pauses; in no time, a child grows and develops with the presence or absence of morals. A choice a parent must make Ezekiel 18:4, Ephesians 4:6. Right and Godly virtue is the only weapon a man needs in a godless and perverse world. Equipping them with this weapon makes them without fail, wade through the waters of life. 

Biblical Principles of Parenting

1. Teach them: Teach your children to know love and obey God. Instill Godly virtues in them using the Bible in conversation, Godly virtues, Godly music, Christian literatures.  Deuteronomy 6:7 2. Show them the way of the Lord through your exemplary Christian life. Practically demonstrate Godly virtues before them Proverbs 23:26. 3. Love them in expressing unconditional love towards them in words and in deeds 1 John 3:18;                   1 Corinthians 13:8. 4. Provide for them, essential material needs and security for your children (1Timothy 5:8). 5. Be available for them in providing support emotionally, spiritual, morally and Academically. 6. Discipline them in love (Proverbs 22:15). Never condone sinful acts in them because the consequence is disastrous both now and in eternity. 7. Pray for them always 1 Thess. 5:17. Your prayer has a powerful effect on your children both now and the rest of their lives. Moreover, the above principles can only be truly effective through prayers, committing their acts and ways to the omniscient God who alone can keep them. We must know that what we instill in our children will be the foundation upon which they build their future. Proverbs 23:24. 

Biblical Guidance for Children 

1. The bible in Exodus 20:12 states unequivocally; Honour thy father and thy mother that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. This is the commandment attached with blessings. Obeying not only your biological parents but elderly persons. 2. Fear and reference God always. 3. Pray always (because prayer is the solution to all problems) 4. Obey the words of God and do the will of God, so that He can bless you. 5. Love God and your parents unconditionally. 6. Never engage in whatever attracts shame. 7. Explain whatever you are passing through to your parents and guardians. Do not hide anything from them. 8. There is always a reward for whatever you do. 9. Always be willing to assist people within and outside your communities. 10. Believe in yourself and workout plans to achieve your dreams 


 O Lord! Grant me all I need to fulfil all that is required of me. O Lord! May your favour and mercy over us never cease in Jesus’ Name.