Where are the Nine?  Pt2

Sunday Service  22nd May, 2022 

Text: Luke 17:11-19 

Minister: Rev. Dr. Sola Akinkuolie

 Message Excerpt

 This teaching sheds light on and reveals our tendencies as believers today. Many believers get used to heavenly blessings and provisions to the extent that they see it as normal and get too familiar. Worse of, many receive and ignore the giver. Whereas these blessings are to draw the receiver to the giver. Gratitude involves two things; 1. Humility; The single leper, returned as a result of HUMILITY; he did this crying out aloud, in gratitude (verse 15). Many are wallowing in ingratitude. The receiving of blessings should provoke humility towards gratitude. The man who is grateful, is one that is humble. It presupposes that gratitude is a major attribute of the humble. When God makes provision, there must be an access for possession. In Christ, there is a great inheritance; the door providing entrance is at salvation. Christ is the access. It is the passport of the believer into the kingdom of God. The single leper who returned, received the blessing of wholeness. He remembered the source of the blessing. This is the major problem of believers today; We easily forget. Forgetfulness of the source in the face of supply is a spirit and an attack of the enemy. Gratitude involves glorifying God, and should be an expressive and dominant virtue of a believer. The other nine went their way healed of their leprosy but left with a greater leprosy of ingratitude which is in the sight of God, a grave transgression. Most people remember God in their distress, but often forget Him in their deliverance. Troubles quickly drive people to prayers; but once it is done and victory is gotten, they forget the source. The butler forgot Joseph when he got to the palace. This was gross ingratitude. However, God is not one to be locked-in and cornered. The butler’s release was Joseph’s escape plan. But God had His own divine plan. Today, the number of people who pray are more than those who praise. Believers pray more than they praise. Ingratitude carries in it a degree of injustice. It denies God the glory due Him as declared in Isaiah 43:21.


1. O Lord, I ask for forgiveness for my ingratitude and forgetfulness of your love done to me.  

2. O Lord, deliver me from every challenge, I might have brought upon my life by reason of ingratitude. 

3. O Lord! pour upon me the oil of gratitude, praise and thanksgiving.