Your Present; the key to your future III

Text: Matthew 25:14-30 

Minister: Rev. Dr. Sola Akinkuolie 

Challenges for the man in Christ proves his loyalty, taking into consideration what the word says; that He will not allow us go through that which is beyond our strength and will make a way of escape 1 Corinthians 10:13. This means He has given you that which is needed to go through and surmount it all. All ascent and elevations are often, if not always preceded by and have challenges contained in them. Challenges require faithfulness; which is loyalty in its true essence, keeping you at a vantage position which at the end, yields reward.   Diligence; means consistent effort in a chosen venture. Hebrews 6:11. Many today, seek wealth and prominence to the neglect of diligence and the fear of God. Proverbs 22:4. A believer going through challenges must exercise faith with patience. No true faith is without patience; Patience is waiting on Him, who has promised to make it good. James 1:4; Philippians 3:6. Diligence is a compulsory factor in the success equation. It must be on display; seen inspite of and in the face of challenges. Success for the believer should never be defined based on the terms and yardstick of the world. To the man who is not in Christ, success is often without grace and diligence; ignoring the means, and laying emphasis only on the end. The pursuit of success, should only be in and by the fear of God, never undermining diligence. In a believer, there is always the potential for greatness. He has what and all it takes to be great                  1 John 4:4. It is a great tragedy for a man to go through life without fulfilling destiny and utilizing all virtues and talents deposited in him. Many avoid and run from challenges, oblivious of the truth that it in itself, extracts from a man all that God has deposited in him. You must note the following; 

  • The challenges you face are positioned to bring beauty out of you.
  • Life is a one-way street; once a man dies, he ceases to exist on earth’s space. Hebrews 9:24
  • Life is loaned to a man to use and make profit.
  • Life is a resource given to you, for which you are a steward. At the end, you will be evaluated. The life you have truly is not yours; you were given to live for He who has given it to you. Romans 14:12. We will all give account of the resource (life) He has given.
  • Life is a secret to be ‘shaken and stirred’; your challenges are in the similitude of a shaking and stirring as an input to greatness. Your shaking and stirring are instruments that thrusts you into destiny.   


1.     Every Power seeking to waste my destiny, die by fire! 2.     Every yoke of stagnation upon my life, be broken now! 

3.     In the name of Jesus, I refuse to remain on the same spot. 

4.     In the order of David and Goliath, every giant and obstacles on my way to progress, you are brought down and defeated now!