Youth Alive Day 2, Saturday 27th August, 2022

 Youth Alive 2022: Re-Position   

Session 1 

Sermon: Re-position 

Text: 2 Corinthians 13:5 

Minister: Pastor Osas 

Message Excerpt To understand fully the theme, it is important that the conjoined words are broken down. The prefix ‘Re’ means to go back to a previous stance. It means to return to an intended/original position. Often times, the best way to pick up momentum for furtherance is to take a step back bothering solely along the lines of the need for evaluation. This helps you forge ahead rightly. Reposition must begin with a correct knowledge of where you are presently positioned; this is only achieved by thorough examination. Your present position is a cumulative result of happenings of the past which have built up to the present state. Until you know where you are, you cannot get into the position you desire. A careful examination of one’s purpose is key; beginning with knowing what you have been created for; pursuing it and fulfilling it. God has created every man for a reason and has put that man in a position of dominion which should be progressive and not static Proverbs 4:18. Never feel you have attained all of your best; seek to make progress and advance in every respect. In positioning you for your destined greatness, God pushes you outside of your feelings; Never be a believer controlled by feelings, but a KNOWING. You are not to compete with the world or anyone; you compete only with God’s expectation of you. His plan for you is your yardstick for measuring greatness. To maintain your position; 

  • Be pure and stay in the place of prayer. Maintain a culture of purity and prayer. The best of you expired immediately you attained it. Seek for more in God’s program for you.
  • Subject your heart and the entirety of your being to the mirror of the word 2 Corinthians 3:18. You see your next level as by the word.
  • Grow in the knowledge of the word 2 Peter 1:2


  • Lord, cause me to walk in your intended purpose for my life.